Welcome to our site! My name is Jeff and this youth baseball equipment review site has been a dream of mine for a long time.
I’ve written a lot of baseball bat reviews and hitting tips over time but this is the first time I’ve ever combined everything into a youth baseball equipment plus tips place for parents, coaches and players.
I love this place because it’s a great resource for those who have a lot of questions when they decide to start shopping for items they’ll need for the season no matter what time of year it is.
We play in the fall, spring and summer. That’s basically three seasons in one year. We go through all sorts of gear. People even participate in winter camps where they’ll at the minimum be using fielding gloves, batting gloves and bats.
There are just so many choices when it comes to gear that it can get overwhelming and confusing as which one you should buy. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the game or not because gear improves and changes each year it seems.
I’ve seen companies come out with new models of bats every six months and it seems as though cleats are hot, sell out and then become discontinued all at the same time new models are popping up.
I have 14 years of playing experience plus some coaching experience and that is the bedrock of knowledge fueling this site.
I know exactly what it’s like searching for quality gear and having hundreds of choices in front of me.
I’m going to help you with this whether you’re in Little League, high school, college or anywhere in-between.
Following is a guide to each category to help you get started.
To go directly to each category just click on the link to the right of each arrow.
Youth Baseball Equipment
These core pieces of gear are the most important: things like the best baseball gloves, bats, youth baseball cleats, catchers gear, baseball bags and batting gloves just to name a few.
You will see reviews from all the brands you know such as DeMarini, Mizuno and Easton and you’ll also see diamonds in the ruff such as Combat who offer sweet products at competitive pricing.
I want to share with you reviews, best prices, top five lists and everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Youth baseball bats are coming out with new models each season so stay glued to my recent posts section to see the latest updates.
Mitts are evolving and getting better each year so I try and review several models every now and then.
Something you need to purchase once or twice per season is batting gloves. Trust me on this one…you don’t want to own a bad pair because otherwise you’ll be miserable with blisters. Not so good for your batting average!
If you aren’t a newsletter subscriber or follower on social media you need to be.
I have giveaways several times throughout the year.
I’ve given away $400 baseball bats, batting gloves and $150 cleats. Not too bad huh!
I particularly give away a ton of drop 3 baseball bats because a ton of college and high school players follow me here.

Baseball Training Equipment
You can’t get better at this game unless you practice and there are items you’ll need to help you along the way such as tee’s, protective netting and lots of hitting gadgets.
Baseball nets to hit into are one of the top items to get these days because you can practice soft toss and other hitting drills at home or anywhere.
I personally own much of what you see reviewed.
I own the professional G Tee hitting system. I use it and my kids use it to for training.
Have you ever wanted to know which pitching machine is the best for the particular budget you have? Me too and that’s why I’ve reviewed some of the best machines.
Other items you might be interested in reading about are bat weights and weighted batting gloves which all aid in helping you hit the ball harder and farther.
Popular brands to keep an eye on are Varo and PowerHandz.
If you’re a coach you’ll want to pay particular attention to my fungo bat post.
You’ll also be interested in my home batting cages reviews. You want to make sure you purchase the right one for your yard.

Baseball Field Equipment
It doesn’t matter if you are a coach, players, parent or league worker. There’s always a need for field gear such as plates, bases, chalk and a field drag.
You need something that has to do with the field? This is the category you need to check out.
Gear like this isn’t as expensive as you would think so check out this section.
Something I’ve been very interested in and am wanting to have for myself and my family are protective netting such as an L Screen.
The way my kids hit…there’s no way I’m going to pitch to them without a protective screen.

Baseball Apparel
All players want to look their best while playing and fans want to sport their favorite teams logo on a hat or shirt. This category looks at the players uniform as well as team apparel.
You also want to be comfortable while you play. I did when I played. That’s why I’ll review everything from undershirts to socks.
To make sure things fit right it’s best to get your own stuff. I’d rather own my own baseball pants rather than wear used or loaned out gear because most of the time it won’t fit right.
Sometimes I will need to visit the local sporting goods store to have my kids try on clothing but I almost never buy it there because the cost is usally 20% more than it is online.
Some items I believe you should definitely buy on your own are things like youth baseball pants with piping, elbow guards and undershirts.
Excellent companies that make superior clothing are Rawlings, Under Armour and Mizuno just to name a few.

Baseball Tips
It’s one thing to have all the gear you need and it’s another to be able to use it properly. Have a look at these tips and you might just find something to improve your game.
We’ll talk about hitting, fielding, pitching and just about anything to help improve your game.
Like anything in life, in order to get better at something you need to continually educate yourself. You should never stop learning.
You never know, one little tip learned here on my youth baseball equipment site could make a huge difference on the field.
Stay sharp and practice what you learn here on the field later.
If you’re in high school you’ll want to take particular notice of my post about the college baseball recruiting process.

How To Use Reviews to Find the Optimal Baseball Gear
Now that we have all these reviews at our disposal…how do we use them to find exactly what we need for the upcoming season?
Sometimes there can be information overload don’t you agree? That can cause confusion and that’s not what I want happening to you.
Let me give you some tips that will help you while reading each review.
Each piece of equipment will suite different players needs so your goal is to find the best gear for the best investment.
- Bats – Choose the size, type and material of bat which best suits your abilities
- Gloves – First, buy for the position you play. Next it’s all about preferences. There are different webbing, pockets, backs and materials used.
- Cleats – Size and comfort always take priority over everything else. After that look at types of cleats, materials, ankle support and whether or not you’ll be using metal or molded spikes.
- Apparel – This is important but fairly easy. It’s all about sizing and comfort whether it’s pants or sliding shorts.
- Training and Field Equipment – This is all about what your needs are on and off the field. What do you need to help make you a better player or coach? That’s what I answer in the reviews.
Keep these tips in mind as you read all the youth baseball equipment reviews on this resource site.
Final Thoughts Before You Dig Into This Youth Baseball Equipment Review Site
I wish you well in your endeavors whether you’re just playing for fun, want to make the high school baseball team, play on a college team or even make the pros.
If you ever have any questions please leave a comment on any post and I’ll answer as fast as I can.
If you want a more personalized answer to your question then please don’t hesitate to email me. I’ve been where you are. I’ve been down that road. Hopefully I’ll be able to help you.
Do you have a particular piece of youth baseball equipment you want reviewed? Just let me know. You can even ping me on social media and I’ll get back to you in 24 hours or less.
I look forward to serving you and doing everything I can to make your baseball playing experience the best it can be.