First of all, let’s come right out and admit that bamboo baseball bats aren’t allowed for play in the major leagues.
<p>It may be classified as “wood”, but technically it’s actually grass.Yet the reason for its disqualification for the major leagues is the MLB rule that wooden bats have to be made from a solid single piece of wood.
<p>Since bamboo bats are made by piecing bamboo strips together, they’re certainly not allowed by the MLB.The way bamboo bats are made resembles the construction of composite bats, which are also not allowed by the major leagues.
Yet bamboo bats are being used for practice by plenty of professionals, and an increasing number of younger players are using them too?
<p>Grass bats are becoming more popular? What’s going on?Top Pick: Mizuno MZB 62 Classic Bamboo Baseball Bat
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